Elementary Program

Our elementary program (K-5) provides high quality education using the most current curriculum including Savvas Literacy, Savvas Elevate Science, Math in Focus/Into Math, and ABEKA Social Studies Program. In addition to our common core classes, students receive Bible (ABEKA), Spanish, Physical Education, Handwriting (manuscript and cursive), and Technology using programs such as IXL and RazLiteracy. The curriculum is built on a strong research base and authored by the nation's top experts and educators. It is centered on interactive and visual learning and differentiated instruction to address the specific needs of all student populations. It contains resources for students who are on level, struggling, or above grade level. All core curriculum is accessible online and is provided to parents to reinforce concepts at home. Our teachers also focus on integrating science experiments and home projects that encourage thinking outside the box. Lessons are built to focus on the B.E.S.T. standards.
Small Classroom Sizes
Our elementary students benefit from small classroom sizes, which allows teachers to interact in small groups and provide individualized learning for more personalized progress. Students performing at a lower level may qualify for receiving additional intervention throughout the week. Our teachers are trained experts in facilitating a differential learning approach in reading centers and math. We believe that an emphasis on parent teacher communication is imperative to become a great team in each child’s learning progress.
Creative Learning Environment
We believe that student learning should be focused on the whole child and therefore reinforce concepts of social emotional development. We offer a creative learning environment taught by enthusiastic and qualified teachers who bring their classrooms to life. We believe that a challenging curriculum paired with a caring learning environment enables our students to succeed.

Individual Growth Tracking
KLC uses the NWEA Map Growth Standardized Assessment three times per year that is comprised of an individualized online assessment. Results are shared with parents and used to determine individual growth of the child several times of the year.


The school’s academic program is geared towards grounding students in the fundamental skills and concepts essential for future academic success.

Elementary Program Measurable Goals

  • Students will meet state academics by reaching targeting growth expectations on standardized assessments (NWEA MAP Growth)
  • Students should meet grade level requirements for grade promotion by achieving passing grades and instructional hours requirements.
  • Students will be prepared to start high school learning by completing grade level requirements and completing high school credits for foreign language.
  • Students will have a strong foundation of the scriptures and exemplify good moral character.
  • Students will be able to think, collaborate, and work as a good team member with others.
  • Students will be encouraged to be active participants in their community, with opportunity to develop leadership skills and good citizenship qualities by participating in service-learning events.
  • Students will be able to communicate effectively in reading and writing.
The Children's Trust